Cheesy Moinks

Cheesy Moinks

19th August 2018 Off By Jackie Weight

Cheesy Moinks

A play on the combination of cow and pig, Moinks (moo-oinks) are a great BBQ canape, designed to keep your friends happy while waiting for the meat!  Pick whichever cheese you prefer to stuff them with, Stilton, Cheddar, Brie, Mozzarella are but a few!

  • 500g Minced Beef
  • 100g Cheese – cut into 1cm cubes
  • 2 tablespoons of JW Beef Rub #1
  • Streaky Bacon
  • BBQ Sauce of your choice

Mix minced beef with the beef rub.

Take a ball of mince (golf ball size), flatten on your hand, place a cube of cheese in the centre and form the meat around the cheese before rolling into a ball.  Repeat until all of the meat is used.

Wrap each ball with a rasher of streaky bacon, secure with a wooden toothpick if you wish.

Smoke for around 2 hours at 110C (225F).  Brush with BBQSauce and return to the smoker for a further 15 minutes.

Serve hot.